Friday, October 26, 2007

the last night

i was showering and my mom popped her head into the bathroom asking me what my plans are for the day. told her we were going to flower mart, then drop things off at turnip rose and finish packing up the gifts for the wedding entourage. then she goes, "it's your last night here. i'm sad." and she made a frowny face. "awwwwwww! ma!!!" i said. she started crying, so of course, i started crying! "awwwwwww," and i told her, "it's not my last night here! it's okay!" awwwww, sad!!!! "that's why i was waiting for you to come home last night, but you got home so late" [from music practice]. awwww!

mannnnn, this is why i didn't want to get ready at the house. it'd be filled with all the crying and stuff. we'll just save that for sunday night, before we leave for the airport. but at the same time, these are the moments that tell me that this wedding is mine, not just for a client. tomorrow, i'll be mrs. pang. and tomorrow, we'll be partying like it's 1999! whoohoo!

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