this was my very first try. note the all-too-shiny side of the silk and the waayy too wide sinamay.
this was my 2nd try. thought i'd make the sinamay vertical. still too wide though, but at least you can see/feel more of the fabric.
the lovely back side. the main invite piece will end up here. i ordered it from the philippines and my cousin's bringing it back here next week. yayyy for no shipping charges!
the progress as of last week. each yellow post-it note represents 10. the stack is being flattened by the albums on top. the albums contain our engagement photos, by the way!
this week, henry tried his hand at it and he was great and just as meticulous about it as i was! you can't even tell which ones he did from mine!
my darling htb (husband-to-be) hard at work:
Hi, I came across your blog when searching for fabric invitation ideas. Your invitations look beautiful.
I want to try to make these for my cousin's wedding.
What type of material did you use under the fabric? It looks like chipboard of some type. ? What type of glue did you use to attach the fabric? Do you have a pic of the finished product?
Thanks for your time,
Hi, I came across your blog when searching for fabric invitation ideas. Your invitations look beautiful.
I want to try to make these for my cousin's wedding.
What type of material did you use under the fabric? It looks like chipboard of some type. ? What type of glue did you use to attach the fabric? Do you have a pic of the finished product?
Thanks for your time,
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